Support policy regarding browser compatibility

Our support services do not extend to issues arising from the use of unsupported browser versions. Should you wish to implement compatibility for an older browser, we advise that you first review your analytics to assess the potential benefits, and subsequently engage the services of a Shopify Expert.

Desktop Browser Requirements:

  • Safari: The most recent two versions for Mac.
  • Chrome: The most recent three versions for both Mac and PC.
  • Firefox: The most recent three versions for both Mac and PC.
  • Edge: The most recent two versions for PC.

Mobile Browser Requirements:

  • Mobile Safari: The most recent two versions for iOS.
  • Chrome Mobile: The most recent three versions for both Android and iOS.
  • Samsung Internet: The most recent two versions for Android.

Webviews and Application Requirements:

  • Instagram: The most recent version for both Android and iOS.
  • Facebook: The most recent version for both Android and iOS.
  • Pinterest: The most recent version for both Android and iOS.

JavaScript Functionality: 

Our themes are designed to operate without JavaScript. However, it is important to note that most features, such as modals or menus, require JavaScript for full functionality. In instances where JavaScript is disabled, we can only guarantee the core purchase process, which includes navigation from the Home page to the Product page and through to the Checkout.