How to add the free shipping message?

Online shoppers love free shipping. By displaying the message of how close the customers are to receive the free shipping, you can increase their order's value and boost their shopping cart's conversion.

Be Yours makes it easy for you to show this motivational message during the customer's buying journey. This article will guide you on how to set it up for your website.

On this page


  • Free shipping message feature is only supported for Be Yours 5.0.0 and later versions

How to set up

  1. On your Shopify admin dashboard, click Online Store > Themes . On the Themes page, choose Be Yours theme, then click on the theme's Customize button to open the editor window and start your setup.
  2. There are two places where you need to manage the settings for free shipping message. They are Cart drawer and Cart page.
    • Cart drawer:
      • Choose Theme settings > Cart drawer.
      • In the Cart drawer's drop-down list, there is a field to set up Free shipping message. You tick on the option Show free shipping message and enter the minimum order value to activate the free shipping threshold.
    • Cart page: The free shipping message also displays in this page when customers is about to check out and finish their orders. From here, you need to ensure that the minimum order value to trigger free shipping is consistent with the one set in the Cart drawer . The steps to check are:
      • Go to Cart template on the top navigation bar.
      • In the Subtotal section, click on Free shipping message block.
      • Adjust the value in the field Free shipping minimum amount consistently with the value set in Cart drawer (Step 2).
      • Finally, click Save.


  • You should review your existing shipping rate configuration in your Shopify Settings > Shipping and Delivery to make sure that the Free shipping policy does not conflict with your current rate setting.
  • For the amount in Free shipping minimum amount field, you enter the number only. In case your store uses multiple currencies, you need to add currency code with its amount and separate each currency part with a comma. Ex: USD:100,EUR:95,JPY:13000.
  • As the result of this setup, the customers will see a dynamic free-shipping message corresponding to their current cart value whenever they add a product to the cart. There are two message types that they will see:
    • Message type 1: Spend {remaining-amount} more to reach Free Shipping!

      When the customer's cart value does not reach the free shipping threshold, it shows this message including the amount that the customer should spend more to have a free-of-charge shipping.

    • Message type 2: Congratulations! You are eligible for free shipping.

      When the customer's cart value reaches or exceeds the minimum amount for free shipping, this message is shown to confirm that their order is eligible for the free shipping.

    In case you want to change the free-shipping message text displayed to customers, you can do as follows:

    • Return to your Shopify admin dashboard and click on Online Store > Themes .
    • On the Themes page, go to Beyours theme and click on Actions > Edit Languages.
    • Choose General tab, then scroll down to Cart free shipping field to edit text as you want. Another tip to find the Cart free shipping field quickly is entering the words "free shipping" in the Filter items.

    Need Further Assistance

    If you encounter any issues or need additional help with your Be Yours theme, don't hesitate to reach out to Roartheme's support team for expert guidance.

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