Default Blog: Sections and Block

A blog page is a web page that contains a collection of blog posts

With Concept, an OS 2.0 Shopify theme, you have the ability to add various sections on every page. This means that you can fully customize the look and feel of your blog page by adding any sections that you desire. Simply click on the Add section button and choose the sections that you want to appear on your page.

By doing this, you can create a visually appealing blog page that will keep your visitors engaged and informed.

This page has 1 section by default: Blog posts section.

Blog posts section


The settings for the Blog posts section
Section settings
Heading size The heading size can be set to one of the following option: Small, Medium, Large, or Extra large.
Heading alignment The Heading can be aligned to the Left, Center, or Right.
Heading tag Selects the heading tag to structure and organize your content for SEO.
Subheading The subheading for the heading is placed above the heading.
Description The description text for the heading is placed below the heading.
Show tag filter Displays the blog's featured image.
Posts per page The number of blog posts that you want to display on each page. Can be any multiple of 3, from 6 to 48.
Blog post card
Desktop layout

Posts are stacked on mobile.

Choose one of the two display options:

  • Grid - this layout divides blogs into equal blocks on the display page.
  • Collage - this layout displays a large blog on the left, with smaller blogs on the right.
Image ratio The image ratio for the images:
  • Adapt to image (default) - Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
  • Square - Crops the images to 1:1 ratio.
  • Portrait - Crops the images to 2:3 ratio.
  • Landscape - Crops the images to 3:2 ratio.
  • Wide - Crops the images to 16:9 ratio.
Show tags Displays tags from admin blog posts with images.
Show date Shows blog post published date.
Show comment count Displays the total number of published comments.
Show author Displays the author of the blog posts.
Show excerpt

Change excerpts by editing your blog posts. Learn more.

Displays the excerpt of the blog posts.
You can adjust the Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px in increments of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section
Make section full width Makes the container full width.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

This section does not support adding blocks.

We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions or concerns about this feature, please do not hesitate to contact our team for support.