Product page Customization: Sections and Block

The Product page is a crucial element of any online store. By customizing its sections and blocks, you can create a page that is both informative and persuasive, and that encourages users to purchase your products or services.

The Product page contains multiple sections, which are made up of blocks. This article provides an overview of the Template sections group which is included in this templates.

By default, Product page has the following sections:

  1. Product information
  2. Help drawer
  3. Video hero
  4. Collage
  5. Image with text
  6. Scrolling text
  7. Product details
  8. FAQ
  9. Apps
  10. Related products
  11. Recently viewed

1. Product information

This section shows information about the product.

The settings of the Product information section
Section settings Settings Description
Product information Enable sticky contetnt on desktop Affixes the product content to the screen when the customer scrolls down (or up) through the featured product images.
Desktop media width

The width of the media on desktop, which can be adjusted from 35% to 70% to modify the size of this section.

Desktop layout Displays desktop layout:
  • Free scroll - Display the first image of your product on the left and the other images in a scrolling list on the right.
  • 2 columns - Display product images in two columns.
  • Thumbnails - Display small images of large images to make it easier to find a specific image in a large group of images.
Image zoom 3 options available:
  • Open lightbox: Zoom image in a pop up lightbox without leaving the page.
  • Click and Hover: One-click or hover triggers inner image zoom.
  • No zoom.
Hide other variants’ media after selecting a variant When a variant is selected, images of other variants are hidden from view. Images reappear when variant is deselected.
Enable video autoplay Plays video automatically.
Enable video looping Plays video repeatedly.
Mobile layout Selects one of the following two options:
  • 75% width
  • Full width
Show thumbnails on mobile Displays thumbnails on mobile.
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section.
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.

Available blocks:

  • 1.1 Breadcrumb
  • 1.2 Text
  • 1.3 Title
  • 1.4 Price
  • 1.5 SKU
  • 1.6 Inventory status
  • 1.7 Quantity selector
  • 1.8 Variant picker
  • 1.9 Product variations
  • 1.10 Buy buttons
  • 1.11 Pickup availability
  • 1.12 Description
  • 1.13 Share
  • 1.14 Help desk
  • 1.15 Custom Liquid
  • 1.16 Product rating
  • 1.17 Complementary product
  • 1.18 Collapsible row

1.1 The settings for the Breadcrumb block.

Enable to show collections page in breadcrumb list.

1.2 The settings for the Text block.

Block settings Settings Description
Text Adds your text.
Text size The text size can be set to one of the following options:
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra large

1.3 The settings for the Title block.

Block settings Settings Description
Title size The size of the title:
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Show product price Enables to display product price
Show product rating

Enables to display product rating.

1.4 The settings for the Price block.

Enable Show taxes notice to display the taxes notice.

1.5 The settings for the SKU block.

No customizable settings available.

1.6 The settings for the Inventory status block.

Block settings Settings Description
Inventory status
Low inventory threshold The minimum quantity of a specific product that a business wants to have on hand at any given time.

Chooses 0 to always show in stock if available.

Show inventory transfer notice Displays the inventory transfer notice
Color scheme Choose one of the following 6 options:
  • Accent 1
  • Accent 2
  • Accent 3
  • Accent 4
  • Accent 5
  • Accent 6

1.7 The settings for the Quality selector block.

No customizable settings available.

1.8 The settings for the Variant picker block.

Block settings Settings Description
Variant pickers
Show variant labels Displays the label of the variants.
Type The style of the variant picker. Choose either Dropdown or Button.
Enable color swatches Displays the color variants in swatches.

This requires 'Button' variant picker type. Learn how to set up swatches.

Swatch type

Choose either Color swatch or Variant image.

Size chart Size chart page

If you sell clothing items that require customers to know their size before they make a purchase, you can add a custom size chart to your product page. Here's to choose your page that represents size chart content.

1.9 The settings for the Product variations block.

Block settings Settings Description
Product variations
Option name Adds the option name (Eg: Color, Style...)
Option value metadield Enters namespace and key of the metafield holding the value. Eg: custom.color
Product Picks the products you want to feature.

Select all the variations (including the product itself).

Color swatches
Enable color swatches Enables to display color swatches.
Swatch type

Selects one of the following two options: Color swatch or Product image.

Size chart Size chart page

If you sell clothing items that require customers to know their size before they make a purchase, you can add a custom size chart to your product page. Here's to choose your page that represents size chart content.

1.10 The settings for the Buy buttons block.

This block displays the "Add to cart" button and any in-store pickup information. It can also show any dynamic checkout buttons.

Block settings Settings Description
Buy buttons
Show quantity selector Enables to display quantity selector.
Show dynamic checkout buttons Using the payment methods available on your store, customers see their preferred option, like PayPal or Apple Pay.
Show recipient information form for gift cards. Allows buyers to send gift cards on a scheduled date along with a personal message.

1.11 The settings for the Pickup availabilityblock.

Allows your customers to see availability in retail stores by setting up local pickup.

1.12 The settings for the Description block.

Selects the size for the description text:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra large

1.13 The settings for the Share block.

Block settings Settings Description
Share Text

Adds text for the block.

Help desk
Show help desk Enables to show help desk
Help label Text describes Help label block.
Help type Selects between style Drawer and style Page for your Help page.
Help page Adds the URL you want to link.

1.14 The settings for the Help desk block.

Block settings Settings Description
Help desk
Help label Text describes Help label block.
Help type Selects between style Drawer and style Page for your Help page.
Help page Selects a page to link the Help desk block to.

1.15 The settings for the Custom liquid block.

You can add your own Liquid code to create a custom block. Learn more.

1.16 The settings for the Product rating block.

Displays the average product rating in stars with the number of reviews in parenthesis, for example: ★★★★★ (8). Also requires a product review app such as Shopify Product Reviews, and metafield definitions for reviews.rating_count and reviews.rating. Learn more.

1.17 The settings for the Complementary product block.

Block settings Settings Description
Complementary products
Heading Enters text for your complementary product.
Maximum products to show The number of complementary products can range from 1 to 10.
Show vendor Displays the vendors of the products.
Show price Displays the prices of the products.

1.18 The settings for the Collapsible row block.

Block settings Settings Description
Collapsible row
Icon Choose a pre-made SVG icon that accommodates your collapsible tab. The None option will disable the icon.
Heading The title of the tab. Displays when collapsed and expanded.
Row content The content of the tab. Displays only when the tab is expanded.
Row content from page Displays content from a page in the tab. Displays only the page content from the page editor, no Liquid styling from the page's template displays in this block. Any content entered in Tab content displays above the page content.

2. Help drawer

This section gives customers quick and easy access to information, such as the store's products, services, and policies.

The settings of the Help drawer section
Section settings Settings Description
Help drawer
Heading The section title.
Description The description text for the heading is placed below the heading.

Available block: Content block.

The settings for the Content block.

Block settings Settings Description
Icon Picks the icon for the content on the list.
Heading Large text for the title of the content.

Adding your text.

Example: sharing contact information, store details, and brand content with your customers.

Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient

3. Video hero

The settings for the Video hero section
Section settings Settings Description
Video hero Allow transparent header This setting only applies when this section is the first one.
Shopify-hosted video Video Chooses a video from Shopify-hosted video.
Embed video from URL
URL The YouTube or Vimeo link to the video. The video must be publicly available.
Cover image The image that displays before a customer plays the video.
Video ALT text Describes the video to make it accessible for customers using screen readers.
Enable video autoplay

Plays video automatically.

Desktop content width Determines the width of the image when viewed on desktop:
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Mobile layout
Mobile video Chooses/Uploads a video by uploading on a mobile browser.
Or embed video from URL Embeds a video from URL on a mobile browser.
Mobile cover image The image that displays before a customer plays the video on mobile browser.
Mobile height Determines the height of the image when viewed on mobile:
  • Auto - The browser will decide based on the desktop value.
  • 200px - 200px.
  • 250px - 250px.
  • 300px - 300px.
  • 400px - 400px.
  • 500px - 500px.
  • Full screen - Extends the image to be the height of the browser window.
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Overlay
  • Overlay opacity, can be adjusted from 0% to 100%.
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section..
Make section full width Make the container full width.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

Available block: Slide block.

The settings for the Slide block.

Block settings Settings Description
Heading The block title.
Heading size The heading size can be set to one of the following option: Small, Medium, Large, or Extralarge.
Heading tag Selects the heading tag to structure and organize your content for SEO.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2

4. Collage

This section creates a collage of videos or images in two columns. By default, the section contains a video, product, and collection block.

The settings for the Collage section
Section settings Settings Description
Heading The section title.
Heading size The heading size can be set to one of the following option: Small, Medium, Large, or Extralarge.
Heading alignment The Heading can be aligned to the Left, Center, or Right.
Heading tag Selects the heading tag to structure and organize your content for SEO.
Subheading The subheading for the heading is placed above the heading.
Description The description text for the heading is placed below the heading.
Button label The text that displays on the button.
Button link The URL of the button.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Button text
  • Button background
  • Button background gradient
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section.
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Enable parallax effect Enable the parallax effect, which creates the illusion of depth in a two-dimensional image or scene.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

Available blocks:

  • 4.1 Image block
  • 4.2 Video block

4.1 The settings for the Image block.

Block settings Settings Description
Subheading The subheading for the heading is placed above the heading.
Heading The block title.
Link The link that you want customers to navigate to if they click on.
Invert subheading and heading Swaps position the heading and subheading.
Image Chooses/Uploads an image for the block.
Image ratio The image ratio for the blog post images:
  • Adapt to image (default) - Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
  • Square - Crops the images to 1:1 ratio.
  • Portrait - Crops the images to 2:3 ratio.
  • Landscape - Crops the images to 3:2 ratio.
  • Wide - Crops the images to 16:9 ratio.
Desktop content position The position of the content on desktop:
  • Top Left
  • Middle Left
  • Bottom Left
  • Top Center
  • Middle Center
  • Bottom Center
  • Top Right
  • Middle Right
  • Bottom Right
Desktop content alignment The alignment of the content on desktop:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Mobile layout
Mobile image The image for the block displayed on mobile.
Mobile image ratio The image ratio for the images on mobile browser:
  • Adapt to image (default) - Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
  • Square - Crops the images to 1:1 ratio.
  • Portrait - Crops the images to 2:3 ratio.
  • Landscape - Crops the images to 3:2 ratio.
  • Wide - Crops the images to 16:9 ratio.
  • Rounded - Crop the images as a circle
Mobile content position The position of the content on mobile browser:
  • Top Left
  • Middle Left
  • Bottom Left
  • Top Center
  • Middle Center
  • Bottom Center
  • Top Right
  • Middle Right
  • Bottom Right
Mobile content alignment The alignment of the content on mobile browser:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Overlay
  • Overlay opacity, can be adjusted from 0% to 100%.

4.2 The settings for the Video block.

Block settings Settings Description
Subheading The subheading for the heading is placed above the heading.
Heading The block title.
Link The link that you want customers to navigate to if they click on.
Invert subheading and heading Swaps position the heading and subheading.
Shopify-hosted video Video Chooses a video from Shopify-hosted video
Embed video from URL
URL The YouTube or Vimeo link to the video. The video must be publicly available.
Cover image The image that displays before the video plays.
Video ALT text Describe the video to make it accessible for customers using screen readers.
Enable video autoplay

Playing video automatically.

Enable video looping Playing video repeatedly.
Image ratio The image ratio for the blog post images:
  • Adapt to image (default) - Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
  • Square - Crops the images to 1:1 ratio.
  • Portrait - Crops the images to 2:3 ratio.
  • Landscape - Crops the images to 3:2 ratio.
  • Wide - Crops the images to 16:9 ratio.
Desktop content position Sets the position of the content on desktop:
  • Top Left
  • Middle Left
  • Bottom Left
  • Top Center
  • Middle Center
  • Bottom Center
  • Top Right
  • Middle Right
  • Bottom Right
Desktop content alignment Sets the alignment of the content on desktop:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right

Mobile layout

Mobile video Chooses/Uploads a video by uploading for mobile browser.
Or embed video from URL Embed a video from a URL on a mobile browser.
Mobile cover image The image that displays before the video plays on mobile.
Mobile image ratio The image ratio for the images on desktop browser:
  • Adapt to image (default) - Uses the aspect ratio of the images. This prevents the images from being cropped.
  • Square - Crops the images to 1:1 ratio.
  • Portrait - Crops the images to 2:3 ratio.
  • Landscape - Crops the images to 3:2 ratio.
  • Wide - Crops the images to 16:9 ratio.
Mobile content position Sets the position of the content on mobile browser:
  • Top Left
  • Middle Left
  • Bottom Left
  • Top Center
  • Middle Center
  • Bottom Center
  • Top Right
  • Middle Right
  • Bottom Right
Mobile content alignment Sets the alignment of the content on mobile browser:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Overlay
  • Overlay opacity, can be adjusted from 0% to 100%.

5. Image with text

You can add a section that contains an image and a text block with an optional button to link customers to a new page. Pair text with an image to focus on your chosen product, collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.

The settings for the Image with text section
Section settings Settings Description
Image with textt
Image The image for the section displayed on desktop browser.
Desktop height Determines the height of the image when viewed on desktop:
  • Adapt to image - Keeps the image's original aspect ratio.
  • 400px - 400px.
  • 450px - 450px.
  • 550px - 550px.
  • 650px - 650px.
  • 750px - 750px
  • Full screen - Extends the image to adapt the height of the window browser.
Desktop image width

Determine the width of the image when viewed on desktop: Small, Medium or Large

Desktop image placement The layout for the section on desktop:
  • Image first: Displays the image on the left.
  • Image second: Displays the text on the left.
Image first is the default mobile layout
Desktop content alignment Sets the alignment of the content on desktop:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Mobile layout
Mobile image The image for the section displayed on mobile browser.
Mobile height Determines the height of the image when viewed on mobile:
  • Auto - The browser will decide based on the desktop value.
  • 200px - 200px.
  • 250px - 250px.
  • 300px - 300px.
  • 400px - 400px.
  • 500px - 500px.
  • Full screen - Extends the image to be the height of the browser window.
Mobile content alignment Sets the alignment of the content on mobile browser:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Button text
  • Button background
  • Button background gradient
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section..
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Enable parallax effect Enable to display the parallax effect, which creates the illusion of depth in a two-dimensional image or scene.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

Available blocks:

  • 5.1 Heading
  • 5.2 Text
  • 5.3 Button
  • 5.4 Link
  • 5.5 Image
  • 5.6 Custom liquid
  • 5.7 Empty space

5.1 The settings for the Heading block.

Block settings Settings Description
Heading The block title.
Heading size The heading size can be set to one of the following option: Small, Medium, Large, or Extralarge.
Heading tag Selects the heading tag to structure and organize your content for SEO.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2

5.2 The settings for the Text block.

Block settings Settings Description

Adding your text.

Text size The text size can be set to one of the following option:
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra large
  • Custom.

Custom option allows you to set the text size to any value you want, from 12px to 128px, increasing arithmetically of 2 px.

Text font Choose between 2 options for the text formatting: Body or Heading.
Use secondary color Enable secondary color.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2

5.3 The settings for the Button block.

Block settings Settings Description
Button label The text that displays on the button.
Button link The URL of the button.
Button size Adjust size of the button in 3 options: Small, Medium or Large
Use outline button style Uses the outline style for the button.

5.4 The settings for the Link block.

Block settings Settings Description
Text The text of the link, which is placed right beside the button.
Link Add the URL you want to link.

5.5 The settings for the Image block.

Block settings Settings Description
Image Selects an image for block.
Image width Chooses one of two image width options:
  • Full width: Image fills the entire browser window.
  • Custom: Sets the image width between 20px and 1000px in 10px increments.

5.6 The settings for the Custom liquid block.

You can add your own Liquid code to create a custom block.

5.7 The settings for the Empty space block.

Block settings Settings Description
Empty space
Desktop height Determines the height of the empty space when viewed on desktop. Can be from 0 px to 120 px, increasing arithmetically of 4 px. Default is 40 px.
Mobile height Determines the height of the empty space when viewed on mobile. Can be from 0 px to 120 px, increasing arithmetically of 4 px. Default is 28 px.

6. Scrolling text

This section allows the creation of scrolling text that moves across the screen. It can be used to display a lot of information in a small space, attract attention, or for other purposes.

The settings for the Scrolling text section
Section settings Settings Description
Scrolling text
Direction Select the desired scrolling direction:
  • Left: scrolling from right to left
  • Right: scrolling from left to right
Speed Determines the speed of the Scrolling text. Can be from 0.5/100px to 2.5/100px, increasing arithmetically of 0.1/100px.
Horizontal space The spacing between texts range from 50px to 200px, increasing in increments of 5px.
Enable twin marquees Displays two marquees at the same time
Enable parallax effect Enable the parallax effect, which creates the illusion of depth in a two-dimensional image or scene. This setting can be used to highlight scrolling text.
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Button text
  • Button background
  • Button background gradient
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section..
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

Available blocks:

  • Text block
  • Image block

6.1 The settings for the Text block.

Block settings Settings Description

Adding your text.

Text size The text size can be set 12px to 180px.
Text font Chooses between 2 options for the text formatting: Body or Heading.
Stencil text Enable stencil text.

May not work in all browsers.

6.2 The settings for the Image block.

Block settings Settings Description
Image Selects an image for the block.
Image height The image height can be set between 12px and 180px.

7. Product details

This section shows information about the product.

The settings of the Product details section
Section settings Settings Description
Product details
Open first Collapsible row Enables to open first Collapsible row.
Specifications heading Adds your text, which would be included in the Box.
Heading The section title.
Heading size The heading size can be set to one of the following option: Small, Medium, Large, or Extralarge.
Heading alignment The Heading can be aligned to the Left, Center, or Right.
Heading tag Selects the heading tag to structure and organize your content for SEO.
Subheading The subheading for the heading is placed above the heading.
Description The description text for the heading is placed below the heading.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section..
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

Available blocks:

  • 7.1 Description
  • 7.2 Collapsible row
  • 7.3 Specification

7.1 The settings for the Description block.

Heading - Adds your heading text.

7.2 The settings for the Collapsible row block.

Block settings Settings Description
Collapsible row
Heading The title of the tab. Displays when collapsed and expanded.
Row content The content of the tab. Displays only when the tab is expanded.
Metafields Enter namespace and key of the metafield holding the value. Each metafield must be in its own line.

7.3 The settings for the Specification block.

Block settings Settings Description
Icon Selects/Uploads an icon image.
Heading The block title.

8. FAQ

This section shows information about the frequently asked questions.

The settings for the FAQ section
Section settings Settings Description
FAQ Style Choose With border style or With background style to display the section
Heading The section title.
Heading size The heading size can be set to one of the following option: Small, Medium, Large, or Extralarge.
Heading alignment The Heading can be aligned to the Left, Center, or Right.
Heading tag Selects the heading tag to structure and organize your content for SEO.
Subheading The subheading for the heading is placed above the heading.
Description The description text for the heading is placed below the heading.
Button label The text that displays on the button.
Button link The URL of the button.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Button text
  • Button background
  • Button background gradient
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section..
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

Available blocks:

  • 8.1 Rich text
  • 8.2 Question
  • 8.3 Contact form

8.1 The settings for the Rich text block.

Block settings Settings Description
Rich text
Title The block title.
Text Adds descriptive text for this block.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2

8.2 The settings for the Question block.

Block settings Settings Description
Question Adds a frequently asked question.
Answer Adds the answer.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2

8.3 The settings for the Contact form block.

Block settings Settings Description
Contact form
Heading The block title.
Text The text to display in the block.
Show phone number Displays phone number.
Team avatar Chooses/Uploads an image to display team avatar.
Team avatar height The height of team avatar, can be adjusted from 20px to 100px.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2

9. Apps

The settings for the Apps section
Section settings Settings Description
Shopify Product Reviews Enable Product Reviews integration

Install the Shopify Product Reviews app to use this feature. Only shows on product pages.

Enables to show Product Reviews integration.

Adjust the Product Reviews app to the look and feel of the theme. Turn off to use the original app design.

Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Button text
  • Button background
  • Button background gradient
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section..
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

This section does not support adding blocks.

The settings for the Related products section
Section settings Settings Description
Related products
Number of related products Selects from 2 to 12 products to display in this section.
Number of columns on desktop Customizes the number of columns displayed on desktop from 1 to 5.
Enable carousel on desktop Displays a carousel of products on desktop.
Mobile layout
Number of columns on mobile Customizes the number of columns displayed on mobile: 1 columns or 2 columns.
Enable swipe on mobile Sets mobile display to one row with horizontal swipe.
Heading The section title.
Heading size The heading size can be set to one of the following option: Small, Medium, Large, or Extralarge.
Heading alignment The Heading can be aligned to the Left, Center, or Right.
Heading tag Selects the heading tag to structure and organize your content for SEO.
Subheading The subheading for the heading is placed above the heading.
Description The description text for the heading is placed below the heading.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Button text
  • Button background
  • Button background gradient
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section.
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

This section does not support adding blocks.

11. Recently viewed

Helps your customers to find the products they'd previously visited and prompt them to purchase. This is easier for your customers to find them again rather than find their way through the navigation menu.

The settings for the Recently viewed section
Section settings Settings Description
Recently viewed
Number of recent products The number of complementary products can range from 2 to 12.
Number of columns on desktop Customizes the number of columns displayed on desktop browser from 1 column to 5 columns
Enable carousel on desktop Displays a carousel of products from the collection on a desktop browser.
Mobile layout
Numer of columns on mobile Customizes the number of columns displayed on mobile browser: 1 column or 2 columns.
Enable swipe on mobile Sets mobile display to one row with horizontal swipe.
Heading The section title.
Heading size The heading size can be set to one of the following option: Small, Medium, Large, or Extralarge.
Heading alignment The Heading can be aligned to the Left, Center, or Right.
Heading tag Selects the heading tag to structure and organize your content for SEO.
Subheading The subheading for the heading is placed above the heading.
Description The description text for the heading is placed below the heading.
Highlighted text
Highlighted text Chooses from one of the following 6 options to format your text:
  • Text color
  • Text background color
  • Fancy underline
  • Regular underline
  • Stencil text
  • Hand-drawn scribble
Highlighted scribble

Require highlighted text style to be set to Hand-drawn scribble.

This setting offers 5 ways to highlight text:
  • Circle
  • Basic underline
  • Sketch underline
  • Squiggle underline
  • Squiggle underline 2
Color You can optionally customize the colors of the section, including the following:
  • Text
  • Background
  • Background gradient
  • Highlight
  • Highlight gradient
  • Button text
  • Button background
  • Button background gradient
Can adjust padding in Top padding and Bottom padding from 0px to 120px, increasing arithmetically of 4px.
Show section divider Shows a line divider above this section..
Make section narrow Makes the container narrow.
Make section rounded Applies a rounded edge to the top two corners.
Custom CSS Adds custom CSS to this section.

This section does not support adding blocks.

Need Further Assistance

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