Leverage your customization by using dynamic sources and metafields

In some instances, you may need to display product information on a case-by-case basis. The Concept theme's dynamic source feature empowers you to create customized product information using metafields, providing a versatile solution for your unique product specifications.

This guide will delve into utilizing dynamic sources and metafields to unleash the full potential of your theme customization.

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Adding a new metafield definition

Essential Prerequisite: Before applying standard or custom metafields, ensure you've reviewed Shopify's guide on adding metafield definitions.

To illustrate the creation of a new metafield, let's consider a Product characteristics metafield that will showcase a tailored summary of product features.

Follow these steps to add the 'Product characteristics' metafield:

  1. On your Shopify Admin dashboard > Settings > Custom data.

  2. Choose the part of the store you want to add a new field to. For example, we add the new field to Products.

  3. After choosing the Products, you click the button Add definition on the top right corner.

  4. In the Add product metafield definition box, set up the details of the new metafield "Sound" including:

    • Name - Sound

    • Namespace and key - tech_specs.sound (you can keep the default namespace and key based on the name inserted or change it)

    • Description (optional) - we add the description line 'Add key information to describe the product.'
    • Select content type - there are different content types such as line text, integer, date and time, file, etc. In our example, we select the Rich text.
    • Access storefront - optional

Assigning metafield values for the product by connecting dynamic source

Once the new metafield definition is established, the next step involves assigning specific values to this metafield for individual products. For instance, to showcase the key characteristics of the product "Flow Harmony Liz" follow these steps:

  1. On your Shopify Admin dashboard > Products > Choose the product which will contain the specified information.

    We can search the product more quickly in the list by pasting its name in the Filter products bar, then clicking on the product to open the edit window.

  2. From here, scroll down to the bottom and click on the button Show All in the Metafield bar.
  3. Next, all existing metafields are available to insert the values. According to the example request, we add some key information in the field "Sound", as the image below. Then, click Save.

  4. You go to Online Store > Themes > choose Concept theme and click on the theme's button Customize.

  5. Go to the template Default product > Choose the product (we choose 'Flow Harmony Liz' product in this example) > Product information section > Add block > Collapsible row block.

  6. In the collapsible row configuration, you can set up:

    • Icon
    • Heading
    • Row content
    • Row content from page
  7. To show the key information added in step 3 for this block, you can delete the default text in the field Row content and click on Insert dynamic source icon. Next, choose the Sound in the dynamic source list.

  8. As the result, the specified 'Sound'' information for the product “Flow Harmony Liz” is displayed.

  9. Click Save to finish.


  • You need to repeat step 3 for different products which you want to show information assigned for the newly created metafield.
  • To know if a section or block can support metafields, you check if it has insert dynamic source icon or not. The dynamic source is usually available for the block types such as text and collapsible tab.

    • If the below insert dynamic source icon displays, you can connect only one metafield.

    • If the insert dynamic source icon with a plus displays, you can connect up to 20 metafields.

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